spanish question words in sentences

All of these basically involve changing a statement into a question. WebNow that we have seen the structure of a question, let's take a look at some Spanish question words in sentences. Use quin when the subject is one person (l/ella) and quines when the subject is multiple people (ellos/ellas). Qu? How many people are here? Very basically speaking, you switch the word order of the subject (whether its a noun or pronoun) and its accompanying verb form. Theres no better way to open a friendly conversation than with a nice, well-delivered, Hello!. The chart below includes a list of basic Spanish questions and answers. Check these out! Geeking out in Spanish about your hobbies and interests. Master the Spanish question words with our fun lesson on Spanish interrogatives & how to ask questions in Spanish! Qu usually means what. Its the most common question word in Spanish and one of the most common Spanish words in general. You like this movie, right? 1. Weve got your back! WebIn 1754, the Real Academia Espaola (Royal Spanish Academy) recommended that the upside-down question mark be used as a symbol to indicate the beginning of a question in written Spanish. Remember to write it as two separate words and with an accent (not to confuse it with porque meaning because). It's really just a matter of learning the vocabulary. and cul?, or the unfamiliar placement of a preposition. Interrogative sentences can be total or partial. Question words, also known as interrogative pronouns, are words that we use to request more information about a specific part of the sentence. If the question words are beginning to make you dizzy, pick only the basic ones for now and practice them until you feel confident about their use. In order to get information, e.g. Both Spanish and English use double inverted comas quotes ( ) In English, to write a quotation we use the double inverted comas. Tambin / Tampoco (Also / Too / Either) Tener (have / has got) Also See: All Beginners Lessons. It allows you to communicate with other people, helps you when you get lost, or when you need to choose the best candidate for a job. Read our. Example: Me encanta! Do you know why? Passionate about languages, books, and traveling. (nobodys wondering anything). Knowing these important factors, you can begin learning the Spanish question words. This Spanish question wordis pretty straightforward too. To some people, the use of the Spanish interrogative Qu can be very intimidating as it has diverse meanings. A: Tengo __ hijos/hermanos. Being able to use the question words correctly will require more than the mere memorization of these words, so make sure to keep reading! WebSpanish question marks feature an upside-down question mark at the beginning of the sentence and an ordinary question mark at the end. (formal) Cmo ests? Today, you learned how to say 7 English question words in Spanish. Va al mercado Pedro? Learn all about adjectives in Spanish with these articles! Qu hiciste ayer?What did you do yesterday? It translates as WHEREFROM? There might be many possible answers. Example: No me gusta [nada]. 4) Cundo es la fiesta?When is the party? is paired with a preposition. Cuntas amigas invitaste a tu fiesta? But sometimes we find these words without an accent mark in cases where they work as relative pronouns, without an interrogative role. (informal) Qu tal? Con quinte vas a reunir? Who are you going to meet? HOW OFTENis the question word you use in English when you want to know about the frequency of actions. WebAsking questions in Spanish is quite similar to asking questions in English. examples Te gusta esta pelcula, no? Aqu te refieres? What do you mean? Cunto pagaste por esta camisa? How much did you pay for this shirt? 2. Cules son los mejores recuerdos de tu infancia? What are your happiest childhood memories? Quin can be used with several other prepositions. in Spanish, we ask how many years do you have?) A: Tengo __ aos. (How?) Cundo fue la ltima vez que leste un libro? When did you last read a book? 3. The translation of how changes when asking how much and how many. Now you know the drill this preposition will also stick to the word QU, and it will go right to the beginning of your question. Asking questions is an inseparable part of using a language. / Cul? ; Call Us: 1-866-423-7548. What? In English, we refer to them as the 5 Ws Who, What, Where, When, and Why. 1. T eres turista, o te mudaste para ac? Top Spanish question words. It holds third place on the list of most frequently used Spanish words . What are you doing? A: (I am __ years old.) Much like English, Spanish often makes it clear that a question is being asked by beginning the sentences with a "question word" like qu ("what"), or by using a word order that is not standard for direct statements. Adjective Placement Enqu te puedo ayudar? What can I help you with? One small word changes the whole meaning of the question word! There are two ways to ask questions in Spanish. and Cul? (When?) Notice in all these questions that the form of the verb agrees with the subject of the sentence and we also use question marks at the beginning and end. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. this is a quote in English . Why?How are children born?Where do I come from?Why does war exist? Use. Qu quieres? in Spanish, we ask how many years do you have?) A: Tengo __ aos. (How many?) Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Conquin hablaste? Who did you talk to? Adrianne has a master's degree in cancer biology and has taught high school and college biology. What do you want to drink? Cundo does not have a plural form and always has a tilde over the vowel a. You have not finished your quiz. Rather, you ask the interrogative word in a higher-pitched voice and drop your pitch for the rest of the question. ), Cuntos/as? The first is only used meaning WHY in Spanish, whereas the second will be used meaning BECAUSE (without tilde). Its Spanish equivalent is QUN A MENUDO? Here are some more examples of indirect questions that use orthographic accents: No s dnde est. Quin Quin ( who) is an interrogative pronoun used as the subject of the sentence. Inversion is the most complicated of these three methods. Qu quieres tomar? Translation: I like it very much.. Lets sail on quiet waters for a while, shall we? Tambin / Tampoco (Also / Too / Either) Tener (have / has got) Also See: All Beginners Lessons. WebPoder (Can / Cannot) Question Words. Right, for instance ;)). except memorize the verbs that use the preposition EN. PARA QUIN? Your motivation to learn Spanish is an essential ingredient to success! If I call you, will you answer? Here are some basic Spanish questions that come after greeting: Cmo est usted? ; Call Us: 1-866-423-7548. Check out the following examples: Qu es esto? This one is easy too. 2. De quin son estos libros? Whose books are these? They are very important, but sometimes we will need more than a SI or a NO. Quin te dijo eso? Who told you that? Inversion is the most complicated of these three methods. Be careful to consider the gender and number of the noun that cunto represents. Please wait while the activity loads. Apologizing in Spanish. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". If you leave this page, your progress will be lost. WebAll the question words have accent marks. Being confused in Spanish. Qu han dicho ellos?What have they said? It means WHY and you use it when you want to ask for a reason. Hows it going? (direct) Los amigos se preguntan quin es 1. If you are thinking about WH questions, you are right. Spanish question words. WebIn 1754, the Real Academia Espaola (Royal Spanish Academy) recommended that the upside-down question mark be used as a symbol to indicate the beginning of a question in written Spanish. Inviting a friend to do something fun in Spanish. Punctuation marks in Spanish are almost exactly the same as English--except for two. Inviting a friend to do something fun in Spanish. Whats happening? Just like these simple examples: Dnde est el bao? Spanish question words list 1. 7. Heres an example: Dnde est la farmacia? in Spanish, we ask how many years do you have?) A: Tengo __ aos. Are you 30 years old? WebUnlike English, however, you dont raise the pitch of your voice at the end of a question in Spanish. 5. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. All The Spanish Question Words . Qu pelcula viste anoche? Qu hora es? Whats happening? In the Spanish language, questions need to have accents or else the meaning changes, as in, the sentence wont be a question anymore! (The pizza was good.) Saben qu va a pasar. Dnde? When writing, you simple add question marks to a statement to make it into a question. Often, sentences that begin in phrases such as quiero saber (I want to know) or no saber (I don't know) are indirect questions. What colour is the sky? Cul te gusta ms? (personas is feminine) How many people work in your company? Instructor: Adrianne Baron. How are you? Instead, you ask interrogative words in a higher-pitched voice and drop your pitch for the rest of the question. And A dnde? Spanish for Kids PDF. De qu color es el cielo? Being bilingual is worth the effort. (informal) / Whats up? Before reviewing the question words in Spanish, lets take note of a few things: The following is a list of Spanish question words and their English equivalents. Spanish Reported Speech How to Become an Expert, Top 8 Instagram Accounts to Follow if You Are Learning Spanish, Por vs Para 11 Rules Explained With Examples. (no obvious category). Total interrogative sentences, also closed questions, do not have to use interrogative words and are written between question marks. Spanish Question Punctuation Marks. Whats the difference then between qu and cul, if they can both translate into what? Qu hora es? How to say thanks in Spanish. Most questions follow the structure for basic sentences, Talking about Yourself in Spanish: PDF Worksheet, Questions about the Family in Spanish: PDF Worksheet, Making Questions in Spanish PDF Worksheet, Dialogues Introductions and greetings in Spanish, The bedroom, adverbs and negative sentences, Drinks in Spanish: Vocabulary and Listening. WebThis adjective is used when there is a real or imaginary list of things to choose from or when those options are available when speaking. ), Cuntos/as? When we ask about the amount of money, we stick to the masculine form.

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spanish question words in sentences